miércoles, marzo 14, 2012

crucifixion de san pedro

There are three executioners who fit into a criss-cross pattern, each marked out by the colours of their clothes. They are made anonymous, for two men have their backs to the spectator and the eyes of the third (on the picture) are in darkness.
Hay tres verdugos que encajan en un patrón cruzado, cada una marcada por los colores de su ropa. Se hacen anónimos, por dos hombres tienen la espalda al espectador y los ojos de la tercera (en la foto) se encuentran en la oscuridad.

Caravaggio has painted St Peter's body with his astonishing feeling for anatomy and the skin structure of an elderly male physique. At the same time, he has chosen the very instant when the Prince of the Apostles is raised into the undignified position in which he will be crucified - upside-down.

crucifixion de san pedro
juan pablo II