jueves, enero 05, 2012

Isabel de Portugal E Isabel de Avis, fue la única esposa de Carlos I de España

The painting, commissoned by Emperor Charles V, was executed in Augsburg in 1548. Isabella of Portugal (1503-1539) married Emperor Charles V in 1526. She died very young, when she was only 36, and long before CharlesV commissioned Titian to paint her portrait. Her pale face emphasizes her gentleness, which is also visible in the slender fingers of her hands. The entire portraiis centred around a superb colour harmony of the red, white and gold. A charming colour contrast is provided by the blue and green tints of the landscape, and the eyes of the empress.

Portrait of Isabella of Portugal

TIZIANO Vecellio
Oil on canvas, 117 x 93 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid