martes, diciembre 27, 2011

ruinas en italia

Muchos de los pintores holandeses de estilo italiano se concentró menos en las temas italianos que en la luz del Mediterráneo brillante. Evidentemente había una demanda en el siglo 17 para las pinturas de los pastores y el ganado en una tierra extranjera imaginaria y montañoso en el que los aficionados, sin duda, reconocida Arcadia. Jan Both, Nicolaes Berchem, Karel Dujardin, Asselyn Jan y Pynacker Adán fueron maestros del género.

Ruinas en Italia

Óleo sobre tabla, 52 x 42 cm 
Centraal Museum de Utrecht
campesinos con ganado en el acueducto

Nicolaes Berchem, son of the still-life painter Pieter Claesz, belongs to the second generation of Netherlandish Italianists. As yet, no reliable sources are known to exist about a possible visit he may have made to Italy. The only indication of this that we have is a sudden change in style in 1653, which might have been triggered by new impressions from the south. Since Berchem can be shown to have been back in Haarlem by 1656, his Italian journey would most likely have taken place in the years between 1653 and 1655.
This painting was executed after Berchem's supposed Italian journey.